Sunday, March 6, 2011

Snuggling up with a good book

As much as I love the ease of communication that email provides, nothing beats receiving a package via snail mail. A few weeks ago, a rather large parcel arrived – so large in fact, it couldn’t fit in our mail box and we were left with only a card to say said parcel needed to be collected.

Now I may be known for my procrastination but when it comes to collecting parcels from mail centres, no such lingering occurs. It immediately goes to the top of my “to do” list and no other commitment will stand in the way.

On this particular afternoon, awaiting me was a relatively flat box, light in weight but of a sizeable proportion – intriguing. What could possibly be inside, I wondered? Despite customs requirements to clearly identify the contents of such deliveries, I always try to avoid looking at the little sticker that will give away what lies beneath the layers of sellotape, cardboard and tissue paper.

Taking it home, I waited for husband to return from work. No sooner had he walked through the door then the scissors were in hand and the grand opening began. Out came confectionary, biscuits and clothes – a wonderful combination of the best NZ has to offer. Yet despite my love of such sweet goodness from my homeland, on this particular day there was an item far greater than a packet of pineapple lumps.

My incredibly talented, and wonderfully wacky, ma-in-law had sent us a creation. One of pinks, browns and leopard print. A creation so soft and comforting. It was the most decadent of snuggle rugs – perfect for snuggling under with a book in hand.

And there was one of them as well. Nestled softly in the folds of this beautiful snuggle rug, was The Saffron Gate, by Linda Holeman.


  1. Oh you gorgeous D-I-L!! I love this photo! Love your gadgets with percentiles. You are a clever blogger! Just noticed WV below is ANNYM would you believe. Blogger must like you too!

  2. LOVE the quilt! It's fab! Parcels are the BEST thing in the world aren't they?!!! (That's Rhetorical, don't answer ;) )

  3. Hi!
    It's beautiful and love the color combos she used. Looks like you all set for the day. Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!

    Just Books
